New Wells Fargo forgery scandal raises familiar questions
A newly uncovered Wells Fargo email suggests the bank fabricated an Oregon mortgage note.
Wells Fargo Forgery Exposed
Click to view full forgery image
This newly discovered forgery raises familiar questions about the bank’s mortgage practices.
Wells Fargo’s Internal Email About Missing Documents
In a 2015 Oregon whistleblower lawsuit, a former employee claimed the bank told him to lie to customers about missing mortgage documents.
Texas Judge Examines Forgery Practices
Click to read the judge’s entire opinion
Wells Fargo’s Internal Forgery Manual
This new Oregon forgery case is unique because the homeowner seemingly caught the bank red-handed. The so-called “original note” turned out to contain 4 separate image layers. The note text and signature layers were allegedly fabricated to foreclose on a Lane County home in 2013. The bank has been hit with various scandals involving dishonesty in recent months. See related articles:
5,300 Wells Fargo employees fired over 2 million phony accounts
Senators Investigate Reports Bank Punished Workers
Bank Tells Employees to Lie to Customers
This Oregon forgery is not the first time the bank has been accused of fabricating documents. A 2014 lawsuit claimed the bank fired an employee for refusing to lie to customers. Click here to read more about the 1.4 billion whistleblower lawsuit.
In 2015, New York bankruptcy judge Robert Drain described the bank’s forgery process in detail. Read the judge’s memorandum. The 30 page court opinion ultimately granted a homeowner’s objection to the bank’s proof of mortgage claim. Click here to read the bank’s internal manual. The manual seemingly tells the bank’s legal team how to forge missing foreclosure documents.
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